RBC Policy Coherence

Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) policy coherence refers to the alignment and harmonisation of policies and initiatives at both the national and international levels to promote sustainable and responsible business practices. According to the OECD Guidelines, this coherence is achieved when governments create an enabling environment through a combination of regulatory frameworks, voluntary initiatives, and capacity-building measures. Such a context supports open, competitive, and appropriately regulated markets, ensuring the rule of law and protection of civic space.

In addition to references in the OECD Guidelines, OECD governments have endorsed instruments to further strengthen policy coherence in promoting RBC. These instruments provide frameworks and recommendations for integrating RBC principles into national policies and government actions.

OECD Recommendation on the Role of Government in Promoting RBC

This document outlines the essential role governments play in creating an enabling environment for responsible business conduct. It details recommendations for integrating RBC into policies and practices across various government functions.

OECD Declaration on Promoting and Enabling Responsible Business Conduct in the Global Economy

This instrument provides a framework for governments to align their policies with RBC principles, ensuring that their actions are consistent and mutually reinforcing.

Role of NCPs in Fostering Policy Coherence

National Contact Points (NCPs) for Responsible Business Conduct play a crucial role in promoting policy coherence. NCPs are expected to support their governments in developing, implementing, and fostering coherent policies that promote responsible business conduct. This involves coordinating with relevant government agencies to ensure that RBC principles are integrated into national policies and initiatives, thereby creating a consistent and supportive environment for sustainable business practices.

LuxNCP members actively participate in several key governmental working groups and committees to advance RBC policies. These include the Inter-Ministerial Human Rights Committee, which oversees Luxembourg's human rights obligations and promotes inter-agency cooperation and coordination in human rights, including business and human rights, and the Working Group on Business and Human Rights, a multi-stakeholder group that develops and implements Luxembourg's National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights. Both these groups are coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Additionally, LuxNCP members have been actively participating in the Inter-Ministerial Due Diligence Committee. Established in 2022, this committee has played a pivotal role in defining the policy direction for Luxembourg's due diligence legislation and contributed to the EU negotiations on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

The LuxNCP regularly organizes numerous RBC and due diligence workshops for government officials, including seminars and training sessions on the OECD Guidelines and OECD Due Diligence Guidances. Regular meetings are held with representatives from various ministries and government agencies to identify areas for collaboration and synergy.

LuxNCP is dedicated to raising awareness of its role and activities within all relevant government departments and agencies, promoting the integration of RBC policies, and contributing to policy and legislative debates on all matters concerning responsible business conduct.